In the multitude of my anxieties

Saturday, June 23, 2012


RECOVERING FROM SURGERY yet once again and doing well.  Plastic surgeon was right, not near as bad as first time around, but I'm trying to take it slow...sorta.  As some of you know, we went in for planned surgery Monday before last, I was dressed in the gown in pre-op and about to be anesthesized, when nurse (going over my meds) realized I had only been off Ibruprofen for four days, not 7-10 days required in my situation.  Somehow this info was dropped through the cracks between Dr. and surgical center who called me with the pre-op details.  Ibruprofen, such as Advil, thins your blood and destroys your platelets which we need to form clotting after a surgery.  With me being recently off chemo, they wouldn't take any chances.  Long story short...after shedding a few frustrating tears, I agreed it was the right thing to do to postpone until the following Monday.

SO THIS PAST MONDAY, we head down to Tampa once again to get it done.  This time, believe it or not, my throat had started hurting badly, I ached, and a sinus condition (I assume) had started progressing.  There was no way I was going to let them send me home again, so I prayed I wouldn't die under anesthesia and chose to play down these new little details.  I didn't die, but got to suffer through a sinus infection while recovering from surgery.  Lucky me!  Both conditions are improving, but my strength is low again and I can't drive for another couple of weeks yet.

I HAVE GREAT FRIENDS who cart me to Dr.'s appts., cook delicious dinners after surgery, bring me chocolate bar treats, and get me out of the house to see a chick flick on occasion.  I even went last week (pre-surgery) with my sister to Zumba, where I barely made it through the first couple of songs before hitting the floor to watch.  I told her it was no wonder she looks great and has lost so much weight...quite a workout!  I hope to join as soon as I can to keep my weight off.  Speaking of that, I must say, while not the easiest weight-lose plan by any means, I'm delighted to have shed 30 LBS. since my first surgery 10 months ago.  30 LBS.!!!!!  Now the trick will be keeping it off now that I just started Tamoxifen pills daily which will block estrogen in my body which feeds my type of breast cancer.

PICKING UP MY OLDEST SON from the airport tonight.  He's been in California with our dear YOUNG friends (lol), the Shireys, helping with their youth VBS.  We've missed him.  I love both my sons SO MUCH, our sweet Sami, and of course my ever-patient husband.  I'm blessed!


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