In the multitude of my anxieties

Monday, December 5, 2011


I SURVIVED THE FIRST WEEK OF CHEMO!!  I took the advice given and tried to keep lots of fluids going.  Kenny helped me by constantly asking..."Are you drinking?"  I guess that could be taken in two ways.  Also, kept the meds going and napped a lot which is all you pretty much feel like doing.  I was thankful I only hurled a handful of times and pretty much ate what everyone else was eating but very limited amounts and sometimes slightly altered in spice level.  Stomach issues fluctuated from one extreme to the other, I'll save you the details.  Felt mostly like I had the flu all over and a heavy head.  I think I noticed the "chemo fog" a few times, too...couldn't get a grasp on my thoughts, but that's not too different than normal times either.  I did develop a reddish flushed look in my face and chest all week which ironically gave me some color probably accounting for some of the nice compliments I received at the church dinner tonight about how good I looked.

MY NURSE FRIEND, Sharon, graciously came to the house Tuesday and gave Kenny his first lesson in giving me the Neulasta shot at home.  This will build my white blood cells to help fight infections and save us one trip of many to Tampa.  We gave it in the belly which was a breeze, he did good.  Side effects from the Neulasta were bone aches which I mostly noticed in the face and jaw.  Not too bad.

FRIDAY was probably my worst day as far as feeling like crap and staying in bed most of the day, then by Saturday, I woke feeling much better.  Kenny and I went hat and scarf shopping at Kohl's and TJMax in Ocala.  Something about shopping energized me and I even knocked out a few relatives' gifts on my list while out.
Kinda cute
cute for a beagle



"you talkin' to mee"

looks better in person

COME THIS MORNING, I woke feeling crappy again.  Ended up staying home from church which I wasn't happy about, but saved my energy for tonight where our church "roasted" and financially supported a dear friend who left our church to begin pastoring a small church for his first time.  As always, blessed and overwhelmed by the love and support of our church family.


  1. Wow-you do look much better in person than in pictures----take the profile picture for instance (the one where you are upchucking in the toliet)-in that picture your skin has turned all dark and honestly (not to be insensitive)you look like a dog. we all have always thought you looked better live and in person--and would rather be with you live and in person! seriously--continuing to pray for you.

  2. I say keep the Jihad look!

  3. I can always depend on my pastors to make me laugh!!! Dina

  4. Dina, you look beautiful (as usual)! I could only hope that if I ever had to go through something like this, that I would have the strength to be as positive and gracious as you are. I know easier said than done. How long and how often will you be doing chemo? We are praying for you and we love you!

  5. Dina,you look beautiful in all your hats and scarves.Your grace and Gods love shine in you with each and every picture.As always praying and lifting you up in the mighty name of Jesus.I love you,Dona

  6. Dina, good to hear from you and you look amazing in each photo. Love, Karen

  7. Hi Dina,
    My name is Judy Ellis and Dona Burns, (Steve's wife) Is my very best friend in the world.

    She has shared with me what you are going through, and I just wanted to offer my prayers and support. You are truly a blessing to your family, as I have seen and heard up close and personal. They love you very much. I live in Plant City and Dona and I have been friends for 36 years.

    If there is anything I can do for you or your family, please don't hesitate to call on me. My phone number is 813-757-9786.

    GOD Bless You,
    Love, Judy
