In the multitude of my anxieties

Friday, October 14, 2011

BUSTED (no pun intended)

GLAD this week is over.  I'm glad its Friday...even though all day yesterday I thought it WAS Friday.  Healing from Monday's surgery is coming along I guess.  Right arm is still sore and bruised but I'm working on it.  Couldn't go to sleep til 2:30 last night, couldn't get comfortable.  I finally got up and watched a Lost rerun episode on Netflix streaming...and I'm still confused (for all you Lost fans, you know what I mean!)

I busted a few stitches open on my "good side" which concerned me.  I think I did it while doing my arm exercises with that left arm.  Sometimes you feel like you can't win for losing.  I'll save you the gory details.  When you think of me, just please pray for lack of infection.  I started getting freaked out about it, but just asked God to PLEASE heal it, I was not headed to Tampa just to let Docs look at it.  If signs of infection set in, I'll have to.

Looking forward to the Making Strides walk next Saturday.  So far we have 30 walkers signed up on our team and the weather is supposed to be great.  There's still time to sign up if you would like.  The team t-shirts are only $7 and are being worked on.  You certainly don't HAVE to have a t-shirt to walk with us, but Ms. Cheryl S. was able to get them cheap enough so that everyone could.  Any friends from Sumter, please let us know your size and we'll make sure you have one that morning.

Also, several family/friends not in the area have expressed a wish that they could be there.  We have set a modest goal of $500 as a team goal and we're a little over 1/2 way there.  Making a donation on the website would be a great way to take part from afar and help us reach our goal for breast cancer research.    We sincerely appreciate the support in this way as well.  Just scroll down inside the "JOIN THE WALK" box to the left of this post, and click on the link.  You can make a donation there toward our team goal.

Continued thanks to family and friends for the cards, special gift, and delicious meal this week.  Don't ever think the little things don't make a difference to brighten our day...they certainly do...each and every one.  If you would, please keep my Aunt Joy and her family in your prayers as she continues to face her yearlong battle with a rare lymphoma.  She needs a touch from the Lord and encouragement.

Now I'm thinking I need to get out of this house some today!!!  More later.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous needs to large least I will have tangable proof I "paid" to walk.
    Love anonymous
