In the multitude of my anxieties

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


NO... I'm not referring to my wonderful husband whose been by my side everyday so far until yesterday.  He resumed traveling this week for his work, but will be back this evening thankfully.  His company has been very gracious to him allowing him to stay near home and work out of his home office over the last 7 weeks or so, which has been great.  Kenny and my sons, Tyler and Cayler, have been so good to me.  I respect the women who face breast cancer with small children in the house to take care of.  Lord bless them!

BUT NO...I'm actually talking about real nerve pain, my latest battle.  For the last three days I'm having a sharp quickening pain under my left breast and it feels like maybe the expander is rubbing on a nerve.  It comes suddenly with no warning and almost brings me to my knees at times.  Muscle spasm, maybe, but it feels more like a nerve thing.

My other nerve issue is the same one I've had from the first weeks after the mastectomy.  I'm forced to sleep on my back with pillows propping my shoulders and head higher which I guess has pinched a nerve in my pelvic area sending icyhot stinging and numbness down my left side thigh.  I shift and shift and prop and prop to take pressure off, but its frustrating.  At its worst, it seizes up similar to a charlie horse intensity and I find myself breathing through it like a pregnant women in labor.  Boo, hoo, hoo...right?  I know.  I miss the knock-out drowsy effect of the stronger drug and nausea pill combo I took in the earlier days after surgery, but have tried hard to wein myself off those as early on as possible, only taking one here or there when I REALLY need it.  I certainly don't want to regress in that.

IRONICALLY, I found sleeping on the fouton actually helps.  I leave it in couch position creating that ditch into which I place a round tube pillow under my back area.  It kind of cradles me like a sling I guess.

I'm not big on re-posting all the many Facebook pictures and sayings that get posted everyday, but I had to save the cartoon you see at the  left....I could so relate, funny!  But having said that, I have about 4 weeks until chemo starts and am determined to enjoy it and do some fun things outside of the house while I can.  But not today...headed now to work on insurance and medical bill claims and try to make heads or tails of it all.  Fun, fun!  Thank God for insurance though, I DON'T take that for granted.


  1. Oh no! That's awful! I sure hope that is temporary as nerve tissue is regenerating around the new invader (expander). Sleep is SO important so I can imagine how frustrating this is. Now we have a new prayer - comfortable, peaceful, nerve-free sleep!

  2. Oh wow! That sounds terrible! I'm glad you have at least a little reprieve on the futon, but I will add this to my prayer list that you and your body will have complete rest...and quit getting on its nerves :) Love you so much!

  3. Dina, when the nerve in your hip, back, leg area hurts take a tennis ball and lay on it. Slowly at first - it will seem it hurts more but it helps release the pressure and in a minute it will feel better. Move it around to whereever the pain is traveling. Use it all the time and really helps.

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